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Patmos, Anglophone parish of the Mission of the Evangelical Church in Cameroon celebrates third anniversary.

The Church of Patmos of the Mission of the Evangelical Church in Cameroon, on Sunday 6 January 2002 in Yaounde celebrated the third anniversary of the founding of the parish. The Church of Patmos which is the English-speaking parish of the Mission of the Evangelical Church in Cameroon (MECC) saw the day of light on Sunday 4 January 1999, when a handful of Christians, less than 20 in number, converged at the present MECC mission complex in Mvog-Betsi, to hold the first worship service that effectively marked the launch of the parish.

As a matter of fact, Patmos was born out of the desire of these Christians to worship Christ and God in truth and spirit. These Christians were in majority members of the Bastos -Yaounde Presbyterian Church who found it impossible to hold prayer sessions within the Church. These Christians who therefore were at loggerheads with the authorities of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon over the issue of revival in the Church opted to leave the Church and set up the Church of Patmos.

The third anniversary service witnessed the attendance of around 300 adult worshippers and over 100 Sunday School Children. The four-part worship service that began at 9 am, was punctuated with prayers of confession, thanksgiving and faith, songs of adoration and praise, greetings from the MECC President, offering and a sermon on the theme, THE POWER OF PRAYER. The focus of the prayers of the day was the expression of gratitude to God for taking the Church this far. The Christians and the church hierarchy rendered thanks to God for prospering the Church in spirit and in numbers within a very short period of three years.

The Chairman of the Church of Patmos, Elder Colonel George Fomundam, during the announcement slot of the service, briefed the faithful and visitors on the church’s history, its worship schedules as well as on the various groups that make up the church. He also announced that the Church of Patmos is intent on bringing the gospel to the living rooms and desktops of people through its website that carries online sermons and other relevant information on the life and growth of the Church. He also mentioned that the Church seeks to evangelize the world through its publications department which has released, inter alia, titles like REBUILDING OUR LIVES THROUGH DREAMS,MEN AND WOMEN GOD CAN COUNT ON, ENCOUNTER WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The President of the Mission of the Evangelical Church in Cameroon, Reverend Daniel Youn, extended the greetings of the Church to worshippers and visitors who were attending the third anniversary worship service of Patmos. He stressed the fact that MECC is a Church that seeks to bring people to a true, perfect and sanctified union with Christ Jesus.

The passage of the third anniversary sermon delivered by the parish pastor Reverend Professor Michael Bame Bame was taken from James 5.16b – 18. The preacher emphasized on the role of prayer in the life of righteous people. He drew the line between good people and righteous people. He underscored the fact that a good person is not necessary a righteous person. He enjoined Christians of the Church of Patmos to lead righteous lives so that their prayers like those of Elijah would move mountains and have a powerful and transforming effect in the Church in the land. The full text of sermon can be downloaded from the website of the Church of Patmos through the following Universal Resource Locator: www.patmoschurch-mecc.50megs.com.

At the end of the service, worshippers took time off to share some refreshments. The refreshments session, coordinated by the chairman of the parish, Elder Colonel George Fomundam, witnessed the cutting of a three-layered third anniversary cake, by a three-year old girl, who was assisted by the parish pastor Reverend Professor Michael Bame Bame. Many visitors seized the opportunity of the relaxed atmosphere to enquire more about the church from Patmos Christians and to acquire copies of some of the Church’s publications. Some visitors eager to stay in touch with developments at Patmos were handed the Church’s website address deacon Claude.